Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Before calculating a proper dosage for your infused product (oil, butter, gummies, etc.), it's essential to gather some key information:

  • Cannabinoid Content (CBD/THC): Knowing the percentage of CBD or THC in your cannabis strain is crucial. Look for a reliable supplier who can provide accurate cannabinoid content information for their products.

  • Plant Material Weight: Weigh your cannabis using a kitchen scale to determine the total amount you'll be using.

  • Desired Dosage: Consider how much CBD or THC you intend to consume per serving.

  • Consumption Method: The method of consumption (oil, butter, gummies) can influence your final dosage calculations.

Here's a simplified breakdown of the calculation process:

  1. Total Cannabinoids: Multiply the weight of your plant material (in grams) by the percentage of CBD/THC (in decimal form). This gives you the total amount of CBD or THC potentially obtainable from your starting material.

For example:

  • You have 10 grams of buds containing 20% CBD.

  • Total CBD = 10 grams x 0.20 (20% converted to decimal) = 2 grams (or 2000 mg)

  1. Dosage Conversion: Divide the total amount of CBD/THC you calculated by your preferred dosage per serving. This will tell you how many individual servings your infused product will yield.

Continuing the example:

  • Your desired CBD dosage is 20 mg.

  • Total CBD (2000 mg) / Preferred Dosage (20 mg) = 100 servings

  1. Serving Size: Based on your chosen consumption method, determine the appropriate serving size.

  • If you infused 2000 mg of CBD into 100 ml of oil, each 2 ml serving would contain approximately 20 mg of CBD (2000 mg / 100 servings = 20 mg/serving).

  • If you made 100 CBD gummies using the same 2000 mg, each gummy would provide roughly 20 mg of CBD (2000 mg / 100 servings = 20 mg/serving).

Online Dosage Calculator: A helpful online potency calculator is available here: link to Potency Calculator. This tool can simplify the dosage calculation process for your infused creations.