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There's a lot of debate online about how long to soak cannabis in ethanol when making tinctures. Some sources recommend a quick 2-minute dip, while others suggest a month-long slumber. This article explores the pros and cons of different soaking times to help you find the method that best suits your needs.

The 4-Hour Sweet Spot:

Our recommended soaking time is 3-4 hours. This duration offers a good balance between efficiency and quality:

  • High Cannabinoid Content: A 4-hour soak extracts a significant amount of cannabinoids, resulting in a potent tincture. This makes it versatile for various applications like tinctures, edibles, or vape liquids.

  • Universal Application: The 4-hour method provides a well-rounded extraction suitable for a variety of uses.

Alternative Soaking Methods:

  • Quick Wash (2-5 Minutes): This method prioritizes taste, especially for vape liquids. The cold ethanol and short soak time minimize chlorophyll extraction, leading to a cleaner and less bitter tincture. However, some cannabinoids might be left behind, impacting potency and making it difficult to determine the final strength.

  • Month-Long Soak: This extended soak pulls out nearly everything from the plant material, including unwanted elements like chlorophyll. While this guarantees a complete extraction, the resulting tincture might have a very bitter taste due to the chlorophyll content.

Choosing Your Soak Time:

Ultimately, the best soaking time depends on your desired outcome:

  • Quick and Clean (Less Potent): Choose a quick wash for a purer, less potent tincture with a better taste (ideal for vape liquids).

  • Everything Extracted (Potentially Bitter): Opt for a month-long soak if you want to extract all available compounds, even if it means a potentially bitter end product.

  • Balanced and Versatile (4 Hours): Our recommended 4-hour soak offers a good balance between potency, taste, and ease of use.